350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Calibration of Correlation Direction Finders
direction finder
receiver linear path
combined built-in control
stimulating signal
signal-to-noise ratio
direction finding accuracy
A.P. Dyatlov, P.A. Dyatlov
In the given work ways of reduction of instrument errors of correlation direction finders (CDF) are investigated by calibration on the basis of the combined built - in control.
For maintenance of high efficiency of calibration in CDF it is used stimulating FM a signal with the big base and a level is lower than a level of own noise.
The technique of a choice of key parameters CDF is developed at overlapping in time of modes of measurement and calibration. The opportunity of reduction of an error of measurement more than on 15 dB is shown.
Pages: 68-74
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