350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Estimating Systematic Errors in the Mobile Radar Using Simultaneous Measurement of the Coordinates of Aerial Objects by Two Radar
Many traditional ways of adjusting radar based on the use of reflecting or emitting objects whose coordinates are determined in advance by means of geodetic methods. Such methods may not always be used for rapid alignment of moving radar. It is therefore of interest to determine the systematic errors of the mobile radar use of aerial objects, observed in conjunction with other "standard" radar, perform measurements without systematic errors.
The method for estimating the systematic errors of measurements performed by radar is proposed. The method is based on simultaneous measurements of coordinates of several objects by two radar. We obtained two formulas for estimating the angular bias, which use measurements of the coordinates of the identified objects by two radars. Estimation accuracy by one of the formulas depends on the location of aerial objects relative to the radar and little depends on the relative location of aerial objects. Estimation accuracy for different formula depends on the distance between the aerial objects and little depends on the location of the radar relative to aerial objects. The simulation results show that in most cases the accuracy of the estimate is 2-3 times higher azimuth accuracy.
After the azimuth bias is found possible to estimate the position of the radar. The paper presents a formula for finding the position vector of the radar.
The proposed approach can be used for estimating the systematic errors in other (non-radar) goniometric-ranging measurement systems.
Pages: 105-110
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