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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Definition of Number of Radio Transmitting Objects (Targets) in Responsibility Zone of the Air-based Passive Multistatic Radar-Tracking System
V.B. Grebennikov, A.G. Teterukov
The main advantage of passive multistatic radar-tracking systems (PMRS) is the hiding of their operation, however, the prior un-certainty of parametres of received signals leads to complicating of algorithms of their operation. In the conditions of multi-target environment when objects can terminate and restore its operation, change operating modes, and also be put out of ac-tion, one of the major stages of a signal processing is identification of the target status. In the elementary case the target status takes on one of two formalized values ? "operating" or "virtual". If thus the targets use pulsing radiosignals with a pseudorandom hopping of parametres, the status identification happens simultaneously to the signal identification, which is setting up a correspondence between the receiving radiosignals and transmitting objects. The purpose of the present article is - synthesis quasioptimal structure PMRS ensuring definition of number of radio transmitting in responsibility zone at usage of pulsing radiosignals with a pseudorandom hopping of parametres, and also workin up a procedure of an error estimation of the radio transmitting targets number definition. All processes happening in PMRS, are observed in a discrete time. Presence of a central information processing point (CIPP), linked to all positions channels of reception/transmission of information is provided. Presence of system of the cross fixation ensuring measuring of co-ordinates and a velocity of peripheral points in real scale of a common time is supposed also. Objects (targets) are pointwise and are characterised by radius vectors, velocity vectors and accelerations. Any object (target) on each time slice can emitting one of pulsing radiosignals of 1st, ?, m-th, ?, Nω -th type where Nω ? number of used types of signals, and selection of type of a radiated signal happens in a random way. The values of parametres characterising used types of signals, are considered as a priori known (reconnoitered). For obtaining of the required filter Markov approximating as state vectors of the targets, and process of a modification of parametres of signals and statuses of the targets uses, and assemblage of statuses of the targets derivates a vector which is actuated in number of sized up values. On the basis of the nonlinear Markov filtering theory there was synthesised a quasioptimal filter structure. For obtaining of technical implemented structure dimensions of a quantity of jointly sized up vectors has been diminished, filtering process has been partitioned into consecutive stages and Gaussian approach of densenesses of probabilities of estimates of state vectors of the targets has been used. Further the inference engine according to which identification of statuses of the targets and an identification of received signals is implemented has been gained. Estimation of state vectors of objects is yielded according to the equations Kalman filterings. A filter feature is its linearity in relation to the partial estimates gained on different positions, and also autoadaptivity to interruption of the information from one or several positions that ensures its noise immunity in case of inhibition of separate positions by active noise jamming. For example in the given article error analysis of identification of statuses of the targets with reference to a dual-target situation is resulted. The literature list contains 12 names.
Pages: 70-79
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