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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of Laser Jamming Radiated Toward Coordinate Metric Optoelectronic Systems
Yu.L. Koziratsky, A.N. Glushkov
The methodological foundations for synthesis of laser jamming radiated toward the coordinate metric optoelectronic systems are discussed. The laser jamming is partitioned into destructive and imitating in organizing individual objects - protection. The synthesis algorithm of destructive laser handicapes which represents multiiterative procedure from synthesis «for the opponent» before definition of is space-power parametres of handicapes and back for the purpose of maintenance of creation with the set probability of demanded energy on optoelectronic systems at the minimum power expenses is developed. Synthesis of simulating laser handicapes is offered for carrying out as a result of the solution of a problem of synthesis of the optimum metre working in the presence of handicapes. It is offered to use in the capacity of a parametre of efficiency of handicapes logarithm displacement функционала likelyhood relations. It is shown that at synthesis of simulating laser handicapes to channels of measurement of range and angular coordinates parametres of handicapes are chosen proceeding from demanded displacement by radiation of handicapes of the power centre of implementation processed by the optimum receiver accordingly on a time on the interval observations or on a rule in sight of an intake. Parametres of handicapes to channels of measurement of a radial velocity are chosen proceeding from maintenance of demanded displacement of the power centre bending around a signal spectrum on exit by the heterodyne receiver.
Pages: 37-41
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