350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Methods of the Estimation of the Influence Diffused in Atmosphere of the Infrared Radiation of the Source of the Undeliberate Hindrance on Quality of the Operation Infrared Direction Finder-s
Ju.L. Koziratskij, D.V. Prokhorov, V.V. Pleve
The Designed methods of the estimation of the influence of the radiation of the false heat purpose as undeliberate hindrance on quality of the operation of the infrared direction finder equipments of the watches type on the base matrix photoreceivers. At base of the methods prescribed interconnected collection quotient of the models:
- a forming the diffused radiation, formed by false heat purpose, residing outside of instant flap of the vision matrix receiver element, having different, but coordinated spatial orientation;
- a carrying the diffused radiation with provision for weakening from volume of the dissipation before of the photo sensitive ele-ment of the matrix receiver;
- an threshold of the imaging scene, limited by general floor - of the vision forming optometrists, at presence and absence of the undeliberate hidrance from false heat purpose.
Pages: 26-30
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