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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis and the Analysis of Algorithm of an Estimation of Coordinates of Object, Marked by Optical Source Radiation
А.А. Dontsov, Chernuho I.I.
With use of methods of the theory of a filtration of existential signals the problem of synthesis of algorithm of an estimation of coordinates of object on the digital image, the optical radiation marked by a rotating source is solved. It was necessary that fre-quency of rotation of an optical marker is known, and the initial phase of rotation is casual. Expressions for the differential equations of a quasi-optimal filtration of coordinates of the marked object and an initial phase of circular development of a marker are received. The estimation of an initial phase is provided for maintenance of stability of functioning of algorithm and simplification of possibility of its practical use (there is no necessity to synchronize work of the matrix gage of the image with circular development of a rotating marker). The kind of the relation of credibility for the decision of a problem of detection of a signal of an optical radiator on the current image is concretized. It is shown that the decision of a problem of detection is based on calculation of a maximum of mutual correlation function of the current image of a scene and the reference image of a marker. A detection threshold it is adaptive it is established by results of calculation of statistical characteristics of the observable image: average value and standard deviations of brightness of its elements. Initial coordinates of object are accepted equal to coordinates of the found out image of a marker. For an estimation of the sizes of the image of a marker the kind of the criterion function defined on the basis of calculation of values of maxima of mutual correlation function at a variation of parameter of model of a signal, the image of an optical radiator influencing radius is offered. It is shown that the derivative of the chosen criterion function reaches an extremum in a vicinity of true values of the estimated parameter. Results of modeling of the synthesized algorithm in system Matlab are presented. It is shown that the algorithm provides an estimation of coordinates of the marked object with standard deviations no more than one element of the permission. The synthesized algorithm keeps working capacity at supervision of the motionless image of an optical marker and can be recommended for practical application in view of simplicity of its realization.
Pages: 17-21
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