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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Model of Process of Occurrence and Course of the Conflict of Information Means of Different Kinds
the Informational conflict
lead angle in the beginning of navigation
a detection area
Semimarkov process
truncated distributions
Ju.L. Koziratskij, S.A. Budnikov, D.B. Ostrovskij, V.M. Kildjushevsky
Non-simultaneity of the beginning of stages of the conflict for conflicting parties leads to unreasonable overestimate or understating of requirements to participants of the conflict. In paper the informational conflict between ground radar and means air electronic intelligence when the beginning of active ratioes for conflicting parties happens not simultaneously is considered.
Each of such means is characterised by zones of detection which are approximated by normal distribution with corresponding parametres. Owing to casual character of process of search the situation when one of legs enters radio-electronic contact to electronic means of other leg of the first is possible. It leads to that this leg will have temporary advantage of the moment of the beginning of procedure of search.
The informational conflict is represented Semimarkov process with continuous time and discrete conditions. The conditions describing course of the conflict depending on determination of legs in zones of detection taking into account non-simultaneity of hit in these zones are thus considered.
Denseness of probabilities of passages from the conditions characterising the mutual arrangement of legs concerning their zones of detection, is described as a quotient of normally distributed independent aleatory variables. The probability densities describing passages, connected with search procedures, are described as conditional, depending on approach of an instant of deriving (loss) of advantage.
Application of a method of a transfer function has allowed to receive values of probability of a prize of means air electronic intelligence (ground radar) depending on statistical performances of zones of detection, a velocity of coming together of the plane, is probability-time performances of search procedures.
It is shown that higher values of is probability-time performances of search procedures can be parried anticipation in time of the moments of their beginning.
Pages: 6-11
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