350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Model of Multipath Propagation for Signal of Global Navigation Satellite System with Reflection from the Screen of Finite Size
I.V. Korogodin
Multipath propagation of signal remains an important problem of satellite navigation systems. A mathematical model of multipath signal propagation with reflection from the screen of finite size is presented. For the proposed propagation model recorded the model of output signals of correlators. The simulation program is compiled. The results of the simulation are presented. The important properties of errors introduced by multipath propagation in the estimation of parameters of signal strength are noted. The obtained results allow us to pose the problem of counteracting errors in code and phase measurements in the navigation receiver. You can download the source code of the model, including user interface for Linux and Windows, at: http://multipath-propagation-model.googlecode.com.
Pages: 95-99
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