350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Optimal Aligning GNSS Navigation Signals Sum
V.N. Kharisov, A. A. Povalyev
GNSS current development phase assumes broadcasting a set of binary navigation signals on one carries frequency. Sum of two and more signals has varying amplitude that reduces the power amplifier efficiency. This effect results the need for group signal amplitude aligning. This paper presents the comparison of optimal aligning with other well-known aligning methods (like AltBOC or interplex modulation) includes the overview of signal aligning methods. New symmetrized signals class, ensuring significant reduce of aligning loss factor, is introduced. Methodology of choosing best signal combination is described. GLONASS L3 and L5 signals design based on summarizing AltBOC modulation theory is proposed.
Pages: 65-75
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