350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Study of Sensitivity to the Accuracy of the Measurement Path Algorithms of Control of the Aircraft on the Ground with the Purpose of Adaptation to the Modes of the Onboard Radar
V.I. Merkulov, I.V. Zabelin, A.I. Shuklin, S.Yu. Tregubenkov
The article presents the research results of sensitivity of the algorithm path management at the on-board RADAR in the real-ray in the process of the withdrawal of the aircraft in the region enable the telescopic the synthesis of the aperture of the antenna. In a measure of the sensitivity used errors of parameter mismatch, insertion meters. The influence of the values of the required linear solutions and coefficients of the fines for the accuracy of the control on the corner of the angular velocity and the control signals to the contribution of the use of the RADAR in the total error of the pa-rameter mismatch.
Pages: 117-120
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