350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm of the Estimation in Radar System with the Synthesized Aperture in a Mode of the Forward Review
V.V. Bespalov, E.E. Koltyshev, A.Ju. Frolov, V.T. Jankovskij
Actual problem for maintenance of independent functioning synthesized aperture in a mode of the forward review at the decision of problems of landing and prompting on the land purposes, is working out of algorithms of an estimation azimuthal and place corner positions of land object concerning a vector of travelling speed the plane under the information containing in trajectory signal synthesized aperture. One of methods of an estimation azimuthal and place corner positions of land object concerning a vector of travelling speed the plane is a method dopler. Measurement maximum dopler frequencies of a signal in several strobes of range allows to receive estimations of speed, a high-speed corner tangage and a corner of a place of the purpose. Check of working capacity of the developed algorithm was carried out by means of tsifro-imitating modelling. The carried out analysis has shown that accuracy of estimated parametres increases with increase in accuracy of an estimation maximum dopler frequencies in one strobe of range, quantity of strobes of range on which measurements are made, and the angular size of a horizontal site of a spreading surface on which measurements are made. Thus, the developed algorithm of measurement of a corner of a place of the land purpose concerning a vector of speed possesses split-hair accuracy. Use of a multichannel measuring instrument maximum dopler are frequent (in several strobes of range) allows to raise accuracy of an estimation essentially.
Pages: 73-76
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