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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Analysis and Operative Synthesis of Optimum Control by Thermal Devices with Electroheating
optimum control problems
model identification
an information technology
set of conditions of functioning
the full analysis of optimum control
synthesis in real time
a control system
O.A. Belousov, N.A. Koltjukov
For the decision of problems of optimum control as the characteristic Heat - accumulating properties it is convenient to consider change of temperature T=z1 after switching-off (full or partial) power supplies a heater th of elements.
At the decision program modules of expert system «Power saving up management of dynamic objects» were used.
In the controler from expert system the fragment of the knowledge base containing necessary data for synthesis of optimum control with reference to areas, functions ОУ, i.e. a parity for borders of areas, calculation of synthesizing variables and values of parameters ОУ is written down. It allows to solve a problem of synthesis of optimum control in a mode of real time (for a digitization step ∆t). If for initial data R of the decision of a problem entered into the controler doesn't exist (L д) it is provided oprede-lenie operating influences by change in admissible limits of one of components of file R, for example, time tк or zк.
The scope of the received results on power saving up management is wide enough and isn't limited only to devices with elek-tronagrevom. The big possibilities appear at use of modes of remote access and management spatially distributed object, and also resource-saving management of moving objects.
Pages: 60-65
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