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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Development of Maneuverable Aircraft Motion Model for its Range Tacking
R.R. Shatovkin, S.N. Danilov, A.N. Shmarov
The problem of improving the accuracy and stability of tracking maneuvering air targets in range over the past decade paid quite a lot of attention because of the rapid development of tactical and on the technical capabilities of modern aircraft. However, most approaches to solving the mentioned problem is based on a model that takes into account the parameters of translational motion of the target, that is, considering the range of derivatives. At the same curvilinear motion is accompanied by an aircraft or completely ignored, or taken into account together with the translational motion. This leads to the creation of nonlinear models and, consequently, it is difficult for practical realization of algorithms support. Taking into account that most of the time maneuverable aircraft move along arcs (maneuvers «banked», «loop», «spiral», etc.), consider the possibility of creating a model that takes into account only the rotational movement of the purpose for channel tracking air-to-nearest. In this case, interest is the angular velocity of the aircraft, as well as the radius of the circle, the arc which the aircraft is moving at a given time.
Pages: 23-29
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