350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
A Synthesis of Signal Processing Device in Positioning System under Multipath Signal Propagation Environment
A.F. Kotov, A.N. Korolev, S.V. Zaretsky
In detecting the source coordinates multipath signal propagation is characterized by significant increase of errors. On the other side given stationary objects of reflection (local objects, causing multipath propagation), the signal carries additional useful information of the emitting object position. In this case the main task of the synthesis is to use effectively this information. Statistical synthesis of signal processing device in land-based positioning system has been proposed in this article and re-reflected signals from local objects and fluctuating noise have also been taken into consideration. During the process of the synthesis the mixture models of signal and noise, the algorithm of optimal processing received signal have been developed. Besides the structural scheme of development device realizing the aforementioned algorithm has also been offered. Estimations of potential accuracy have been obtained.
Pages: 14-20
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