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Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis Radar-Tracking a Range Finder with the Account Information on Angular Speeds of an Inclination and Traveling Corner of the Purposes
J.N. Panasyuk, A.Р. Pudovkin
Modern models of radio-electronic watching systems don't correspond to requirements to systems of the Department of Internal Affairs on throughput maintenance at the set level of safety of air traffic. A preferable variant of the decision of the given problem is synthesis of radio-electronic watching devices the EXPERT of the Department of Internal Affairs according to a trajectory of movement of air targets with use of the additional information on their orientation in space. Researches of filters of a range finder have shown that on accuracy of an estimation of phase coordinates render a great influence of an error of an estimation of angular speeds of an inclination and a traveling corner. Now there is a possibility to measure angular speeds of an inclination and a traveling corner by means of onboard gages. Taking into account the information of angular speeds of an inclination and a traveling corner synthesis of a radar-tracking range finder is spent. Imitating modeling was spent for two cases. Angular speeds of an inclination and a traveling corner aren't measured in the first case in a range finder. - angular speeds of an inclination and a traveling corner are measured in the second case. The analysis of results of algorithms has shown that accuracy of an estimation of phase coordinates of the purpose is better with use of the information of angular speeds of an inclination and a traveling corner in comparison with algorithms where there is no this information, it speaks more exact calculation of acceleration in the area of vising at the expense of reduction of errors of an estimation of an angle of slope, a traveling corner, angular speeds of an angle of slope and a traveling corner.
Pages: 6-11
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