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Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Phase Stabilization for the Mode of Observations Sampling in the Problem of Frequency-Modulated Signal-s Filtering
V.V. Khutortsev, A.I. Gasanov
In work for syntheses of frequency-modulated signals continuously-discrete filtering algorithm the phase stabilization principle for the mode of observations sampling is used. It is founded on co-ordinations of the sampling mode under continuously-discrete processing of frequency-modulated processes with the current frequency parameters of the sent signal, priced at move of the filtering.
The analysis of the particularities for the offered procedure of the processing is organized. It is shown that structure of the filtering algorithm, founded on principle of the phase stabilization, becomes complicated small. The Specified algorithm can be interpreted as algorithm of joint estimation for the filtering processes and parameters of the sampling mode - a factor of the grouping the observations and the current temporary step to sampling.
On the example the comparison with traditional algorithm of digital filtering is given.
Using the principle of phase stabilization of the observations sampling mode in problem of frequency-modulated signals continuously-discrete filtering enables to realize adaptation for time periodicity of the analog-to-digital transformation of the observed process in accordance with the current estimation of the frequency of the sent signal..
Pages: 10-14
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