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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Adaptive Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems
V.B. Manelis, I.V. Kaioukov
A lot of attention has also been recently paid to high-speed transmission and high-capacity systems based on MIMO-OFDM technologies. To achieve high interference stability, coherent M-PSK and M-QAM modulation schemes are applied. Potential advantages of these modulation schemes could be implemented with high channel estimation accuracy only. Channel estimation accuracy is a crucial aspect in the design of MIMO-OFDM systems.
Channel estimation algorithm for MIMO-OFDM systems based on separable interpolation in frequency and time domains (21D interpolator) is proposed. Proposed original channel estimation algorithm includes Doppler frequency and path profile length (multipath delay spread) estima-tions, which performed using the pilot symbols for all pairs of receive and transmit antennas. Since all channel propagation signals in MIMO system pass through the same scatters, delay path profile for all channels is also the same. We use this MIMO system feature to improve the channel statistics estimation. Proposed interpolation order rule consists in comparison normalized Doppler frequency estimate of MIMO-OFDM system with normalized multipath delay spread estimate. If the first is more than the second, relative channel variations speed in time domain is more rapid than in frequency domain. So interpolation in frequency domain is implemented first, and then in time domain. Otherwise inter-polation order is reverse.
Adaptive selection of interpolation order provides estimation accuracy improving, especially for long channels (urban area) or for high sub-scriber speed (future mobile communication systems will have to support high user mobility). Simulation of the proposed algorithm showed, that performance gain in comparison with the alternative fixed order algorithms takes place for subscriber speed more 40 km/h and channel impulse response length more 4 us. This gain can reach 34 dB. The proposed algorithm with adaptive interpolation order has prospects for different MIMO-OFDM systems (IEEE std. 802.16хх, LTE etc) operating in rapid time-variant multipath environments.
Pages: 25-31
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