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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Application of Bioradiolocation for Estimation of the Laboratory Animals - Movement Activity
L.N. Anishchenko, A.S. Bugaev, I.A. Vasiliev, S.I. Ivashov, O.S. Medvedev, V.B. Parashin
Radiolocation of biological objects named as bioradiolocation is an intensively developing area of bio-medical engineering. There are some important medical tasks which could be applications fields of radiolocation, among them are disaster medicine (searching of survivals under debris and rubbles of buildings), monitoring of breath and heart beating parameters for burned patients (it would cut down the number of used contact censors and thus decrease the risk of infection inoculation into burning wounds), sleep apnea diagnostics, monitoring of breath and heart beating parameters for sick persons, which are the carriers of extra-hazardous infections (it would decrease the risk of medical staff infection), and etc [1, 2]. Besides the over listed fields of application there is an interest in usage of bioradiolocation for remote diagnostics of rats and other laboratory animals by estimation of their moving activity in time of zoo-psychological and pharmacological experiments. At present, invasive methods of physiological parameters determination are used during testing of some medicine and poisonous substances on laboratory animals. Their moving activity used to be estimated visually by researcher. It could be pointed another method that is currently in use for animals - behavior reaction analysis. Specially designed video tracking system such as Ethovision [6] can be applied to decrease a workload of the researcher and create automatic approach to estimation of moving activity. The main disadvantage of this type of systems is necessity to use sophisticated software and some restriction on long time recording with duration more than several hours because of data storage capacity limitations. So, that is why in most cases estimation of rats - moving activity is carried out by researcher visually [11], which might cause in the quality of obtained information. Doppler radar has advantage of direct measurements of animal-s moving parameters. It can be used for creation of a fully automatic moving activity integral estimation procedure. In this case the size of data is so small comparing to the video file that it would allow to record data continuously during several days or more. Moreover in condition of creation special recognition algorithms of radar signals that were reflected from animal, it would be possible to discriminate different types of its movements (horizontal and vertical activities, grooming, steady state). In that case bioradiolocation can be also applied to data analysis of the open field experiments.
Pages: 43-48
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