350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Optical-Fibre Controlled Delay Line for Broadband Active Phased Antenna Arrays
optical-fibre controlled delay line
active phased antenna arrays
coherent optical radiation source
bragg fibre grat-ing
potential curves
B.G. Gorshkov, E.S. Kolesnikov
The version of structure of a fiber-optic delay line for control of phase distribution of the broadband active phased antenna arrays on the basis of true time delays is submitted. Key elements of an offered delay line are a tuneble light source and chirped bragg grating. The model of reflection of modulated optical radiation from chirped bragg grating is submitted. The characteristics of a controlled fiber-optic delay line are evaluated.
Pages: 30-36
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