350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The Bandwidth and Jammer Capability of the Integrated PLL/INS
satellite radio navigation system
user equipment
jammer capability
inertial navigation system
A.Yu. Shatilov
A design technique for doppler-aided integrated PLL/INS has been developed. The technique keeps PLL optimal at given jammer power. A calculation method for the PLL bandwidth and jammer capability (J/S) has been presented, as well as inverse method for finding INS and oscillator-s characteristics at the desired J/S. The method guarantees top estimate of jammer capability. It is shown that in the case of aided PLL jammer capability does not depend on user dynamics but does depend on the dynamics of INS velocity error and the carrier oscillator frequency drift. Both latter processes can be merged into one summarized dynamic disturbance input.
Pages: 113-120
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