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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Cosine-phased Meander Pseudorandom Signals (CosBOC Modulated Signals) for Next Generation of Satellite Radionavigation Systems
pseudorandom signal
meander signal
spreading symbol
meander symbol
cosine-phased meander subcarrier
spectral density function
power spectral density
satellite radionavigation system
M.S. Yarlykov
A class of cosine-phased meander pseudorandom signals (CosBOC modulated signals) for next generation of satellite radionavigation systems (specifically Galileo and modernized GPS) is outlined. Analysis of essential spectral characteristics of cosine-phased meander a pseudorandom noise code sequences is executed. The spectral density functions and the power spectral density of a cosine-phased meander symbols for CosBOC(1,1), CosBOC(15,10), CosBOC(10,5) and CosBOC(15,2.5) modulated signals are obtained.
Pages: 20-32
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