350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Binary Frequency Shift Keying Signal not Coherent Receive Efficiency on a Random Sequence Frequency Shift Keying Radio Pulses Background
deskside of the hindrance
element to code combination
probability of the distortion
half-sum indicator
K.Yu. Lozhkin, A.I. Stitsenko, I.A. Novokshchenov
The probability dependences of n-unit unredundant code combination distortion, appearing into simple not fading frequency shift keying (FSK) communications signals not coherent correlation receiver, that influenced random sequence not fading FSK radiopulses, from parameters of a communications and jamming signal, based on a transferred elements decisions indicators method, are received.
Pages: 57-60
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