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Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The Characteristics of the Accuracy of the Monopulse Direction Finder of the Radar System Under Conditions of the Coherent and Noncoherent Interference
S.P. Barinov, O.N. Yeltsov
The influence of noncoherent interference produced along side lobes of the directional pattern of the antenna of the radar system on efficiency of the coherent interference along main lobe of the directional pattern of the antenna is explored. The analytical expressions for calculation of the statistical characteristics of the errors of measurement of the angular coordinates of the target by the monopulse direction finder of the radar system when simultaneously being influenced by the coherent and noncoherent interference are got. It is shown that under conditions of noncoherent interference produced along side lobes of the directional pattern of the antennas, the requirements to accuracy of installing of the phases of the coherent sources are reduced in 2...2,5 times
Pages: 48-51
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