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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Two-channel Cophased Power Divider with Extended Cross Coupling Frequency Band
V.D. Mappyrov, V.A. Pechurin, A.S. Petrov
In the work, it is proposed to connect a serial oscillatory circuit, tuned to the working band central frequency, to the resistive element of the basis circuit in order to broaden a cross coupling frequency band of the Wilkinson two-channel cophased power divider. Wave impedance Zc of the circuit is determined with using optimization on personal computer. Two schemes of the power divider are considered. They are differ by the value of a characteristic impedance of a line connected to the input arm 1 and equal to Z1=1 and 0.5, respectively. Characteristic impedances of quarter-wave transformer lines in these two schemes are ZT=? and 1, respectively.
Choosing the value of the normalized wave impedance of the oscillatory circuit Zc=2.15 and resistor impedance value R=1.92, we obtain the relative frequency band width equal to 47.9% for cross coupling at the level of 30dB whereas the frequency band width of the original circuit is equal to 11.2%. For cross coupling at the level of 20dB the frequency band width equals 74.4.% in comparison with the width 36.6% of the original circuit. Thus the frequency band broadening factor is equal approximately to 4 and 2 for two measuring levels of cross coupling.
The benefit of the second circuit considered in the article is in the fact that it has the same dependence of power reflection coefficients from the sides of arms 2 and 3, expressed in decibels, as the analogous dependence of cross coupling
Pages: 57-59
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