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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Analogue Realization of Semi-Integrator
fractional order integrator
frequency-band semi-integrator
uniform RC network
Cauer network
thin-film deposition
S.V. Krupenin, V.V. Kolesov
Analogue realization of the semi-integrator based on distributed RC components is presented. The semi-integrating circuit is represented by uniform Cauer network: series-R and shunt-C ladder. As shown by Oldham and Spanier, the bandwidth of this semi-integrating circuit depends on RC constant and number of network elements.
Thin-film realization of the distributed RC components is represented by microstrip line with modulated width. Microstrip line is arranged in zig-zag style in order to obtain sample compactness.
Samples of the semi-integrator are fabricated by means of high-vacuum thin-film deposition and photolithography. The circuit containing 400 RC elements is implemented on silicon substrate and located within 6x8 mm2. Materials used in thin-film deposition are titanium, silicon dioxide and chromium. The upper conducting layer of microstrip structure (line with modulated width) is formed by means of photolithography procedure. In-plane sizes of resistive and capacitive elements are 10x100 and 100x100 square microns, respectively.
Frequency-band semi-integration is verified by experimental results and numerical modeling. Experimental bandwidth of semi-integrator is one octave: 800-1600 MHz.
Possible applications of the semi-integrator are as follows: fractal system modeling (for example, fractal noise generation) and synthesis of fractional solving circuits
Pages: 114
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