350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Transmitter Development for the Haystack Ultra-Wideband Satellite Imaging Radar
Arshon B.I
This paper, additional to the short report [1], describes the conceptual design of the transmitter for the synthesized frequency band 92-100 GHz radar being under construction near Boston, USA. The ~160 kW pulsed power 0.1 duty transmitter should be sufficient for imaging of satellites up to the geostationary orbit.
Pages: 134-136
- Аршон Б.И. Сверхширокополосный радар, формирующий изображения спутников // Радиотехника (Журнал в журнале). 2009. № 4.
- MacDonald M. E., Anderson J. P., Campbell R., Conway N. J., Gordon D. A., Landry R. J., Lee R. K., McGrew G. Neal, Robinson P., Usoff Joseph M. Transmitter Development for the Haystack Ultra-wideband Satellite Imaging Radar (HUSIR) // IEEE, Boston, 2007.
- Phillips R. A., Kempkes M. A., Hawkey T. J., Gaudreau M. P. J. W-Band transmitter upgrade for the Haystack ultra-wideband satellite imaging radar (HUSIR) // IEEE. Boston. 2007.
- Lee R. K., Clarke M. T. Multiplexer Development for the Haystack ultra-wideband satellite imaging radar // IEEE. Boston. 2007.