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Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Procedure of Synthesis by the Radio Direction Finder Antenna Array on the Case of Mobile Platform
Ashihmin, A.V., Korochin, S.V.,Pasternak, Yu. G., Rembovskiy, Yu.A.
радиоизлученияThe procedure of synthesis is observed by the radio direction finder antenna array had on the case of the mobile platform and consisting of electrical dipoles. Its difference is lack of necessity of use of the information on geometry and the material properties of the case of the platform. The procedure is based on approximations of an observable field by a linear combination of fields auxiliary point sources and possibility of use of data from "virtual" antenna devices. It is shown, that the approximated values of a field can be used for raise of accuracy of an estimate of an angular data of sources of radio-frequency radiation
Pages: 78-84
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