S.Ia. Krivolapov1, E.D. Solovyov2
1,2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
1skrivolapov@fa.ru, 2solzhen@inbox.ru
The problem of determining the brand of a car by its track, which has parameters similar to a certain group of vehicles, is considered. To solve the problem, a machine learning tool is used – a naive Bayesian classifier. To train the classifier, a database containing information about the parameters (track and wheelbase) of 18 car brands is used. It is assumed that based on the results of measurements of the traces left by the vehicle on the ground, approximate values of its parameters will be obtained. Using this information as a test, the trained classifier makes a prediction regarding the make of the car that left traces. The implementation of the described prediction algorithm is performed in Python.
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