A.I. Bogomolov1, V.P. Nevezhin2
1,2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
1 AIBogomolov@fa.ru, 2VPNevezhin@fa.ru
The acceleration of the evolutionary processes of humanity and their approach in time to the point of technological singularity makes relevant a scientific systematic approach to predicting the future of humanity and forming an outline or methodological basis for developing a “road map” to achieve the desired and safe future.
The main signs and results of technological singularity are considered, a brief description is given of the views and ideas of V.I. Vernadsky, E. Leroy and T. De Chardin about the noosphere and K.E. Tsiolkovsky on the goal and the final stage of evolution. Modern scientific ideas about the evolution of the Universe are compared and their closeness to the ideas of Vernadsky-Leroy-Chardin and Tsiolkovsky is substantiated. To solve the problems of predicting the evolution of mankind and managing it in order to reduce the risks of negative scenarios in the future, joint efforts of the entire international community are needed, which can be formalized in the form of a global long-term project. The models of evolutionary development being developed based on the ideas of Vernadsky-Leroy-Chardin and Tsiolkovsky will help to identify cause-and-effect relationships at an early stage of the emergence of negative processes and develop measures to overcome them based on international consensus. Ideas V.I. Vernadsky, T. De Chardin, E. Leroy and K.E. Tsiolkovsky about the evolution of humanity can form the basis of an international project of forecasting and managing various scenarios for our future.
Bogomolov A.I., Nevezhin V.P. Ideas of Vernadsky-Chardin-Leroy and Tsiolkovsky on the further evolution of humanity as the basis of a global project. Nonlinear World. 2024. V. 22. № 4. P. 46–55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j20700970-202404-06 (In Russian)
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