G.O. Vorontsov1, A. V. Kovalenko2, A.V. Ovsyannikova3
1, 2 Kuban State University (Krasnodar, Russia)
3 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
1 vorontsovgo95@gmail.com, 2savanna-05@mail.ru, 3avovsyannikova@fa.ru
The master plan plays a key role in the successful implementation of an industrial enterprise and its subsequent operation. The high-quality configuration of the master plan makes it possible to ensure efficient use of space, optimal placement of objects (buildings, structures, etc.), compliance with safety standards, as well as taking into account the potential for future development and expansion of the enterprise.
The formation of the master plan is an important link in the creation of documentation for the construction of a manufacturing enterprise. Design engineers are responsible for ensuring the functional zoning of the territory, dividing production, utility and warehouse zones into blocks, observing minimum fire-fighting distances between objects, providing entrances and driveways to buildings and structures, and much more within their competencies.
The master plan is a design document that displays the relative location of technological installations, buildings, structures, roads and railways, tank farms, drain-filling and technological overpasses, engineering communications, as well as auxiliary facilities. Documentation ensures consistency between related disciplines. Due to the high importance of this document for the construction and operation of the plant, automation of the design process of the master plan is required. The paper proposes an approach to the layout of the master plan based on combinatorial optimization using classical computational methods: the full iteration method, the branch and boundary method, graph theory methods, the gradient descent method and the simplex method. As a result of the analysis, the features of each algorithm are revealed and a comparison of classical methods is made within the framework of the studied problem. Automated placement of objects on the master plan will significantly reduce the design time and improve the quality of project documentation.
The need to comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, compliance with technological sequence, ensuring safety at the enterprise, compliance with environmental standards – all these and other requirements have an impact on the placement of facilities on the master plan. To be able to automate the master plan, it is necessary to determine effective methods for the optimal location of objects on the territory of the enterprise, including using artificial intelligence.
Vorontsov G.O., Kovalenko A.V., Ovsyannikova A.V. Classical optimization methods for automated placement of objects on the territory of an industrial enterprise. Nonlinear World. 2024. V. 22. № 4. P. 20–27. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j20700970-202404-03 (In Russian)
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