K.A. Kuznetsova1
1National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (Moscow, Russia)
1 k.a.kuznecova@gmail.com
The research is aimed at solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of integrating the scientific and technical potential of educational institutions with existing enterprises in Russia. A combination of graph theory and fuzzy set theory is proposed as a mathematical apparatus.
Goal – to develop the functions and architecture of an expert-analytical system in the field of educational and personnel processes.
In order to select relevant vacancies, taking into account the length of service and academic performance of graduates, an expert recommendation system was developed that provides a list of relevant vacancies sorted in descending order of the estimated salary, taking into account the length of service and the level of knowledge of the graduate.
Tools have been developed for analyzing and visualizing graphs of current vacancies and areas of graduate training for research and comparison of skills, requirements for applicants, geography and other information collected from open sources. The algorithm of a fuzzy recommendation system is described, which takes into account the length of service and the level of knowledge of the graduate (test scores or grades in specialized subjects). The developed analytics and visualization tools contribute to the effective management of integration processes in the interests of universities and enterprises.
Kuznetsova K.A. Functions and architecture of the expert-analytical system in the field of educational and personnel processes. Nonlinear World. 2024. V. 22. № 2. P. 54-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j20700970-202402-06 (In Russian)
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