I.P. Popov1
1 Kurgan State University (Kurgan, Russia)
Relevance and formulation of the problem. The number of areas of scientific and practical activity in which it is necessary to take into account relativistic corrections is steadily growing. In many cases, two objects under study move towards each other. This takes place both in relation to astronomical objects and in relation to quantum particles, including colliders - accelerators of charged particles in colliding beams. With counter relativistic motions, the relative velocity does not coincide with the approach velocity. At the same time, taking into account only the relative velocity limits the arsenal of research tools and methods. In contrast to the relative speed, which is determined in accordance with the relativistic formula for adding velocities, the speed of approach of unaccelerated objects is defined as the ratio of the distance between them to the time it takes to overcome it. The aim of this work is to analyze the diversity of the relativistic velocity of approach of objects depending on the choice of inertial reference frames based on the data of the Large Hadron Collider. Results. At the Large Hadron Collider, the speed of protons approaching is almost twice the speed of light in the laboratory reference frame. In frames of reference associated with moving protons, depending on the variants of relativistic transformation of segments of lengths and time intervals, the maximum speed of approach of protons is 1.1·108 с, and the minimum is 1.2 m/s. In accordance with the technique based on the relativistic velocity addition formula, the approach speed in reference systems associated with moving protons is almost equal to the speed of light. In this case, the approach velocity becomes equal to the relative velocity, which should not be considered as a generalization to relativistic mechanics of the classical mechanics rule on the indistinguishability of these velocities. Practical significance. The results obtained may be of interest in assessing the velocities of approach of astronomical objects, including the Earth and asteroids, as well as significantly expand the variability of hypotheses when processing experimental data arrays obtained at elementary particle accelerators, including the Large Hadron Collider.
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