350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Determination of the parameters of the program of maintenance of radioelectronic system in accordance with requirements for its dependability and availability
A.P. Linkevichius - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy General Director, Open Joint Stock Company «RTI», Moscow E-mail: ALinkevichius@oaorti.ru G.N. Maltsev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, A.F. Mozhaiskiy Military Space Academy, Saint-Petersburg E-mail: georgy_maltsev@mail.ru D.V. Sklemin - Post-graduate Student, A.F. Mozhaiskiy Military Space Academy, Saint-Petersburg E-mail: dv_sklemin@mail.ru
The method of determining the period and duration of maintenance of highly reliable electronic systems for continuous applications considers in accordance with requirements for its dependability and availability. It is shown that the simultaneous requirements of reliability and availability can be impossible, and in these conditions it is necessary to adopt a compromise solution or change individual requirements. Examples of determining the period and duration of maintenance of radioelectronic systems on a calendar principle is presented.
Pages: 3-10


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