350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Ecological safety in radio-electronic industry
D.I. Davletchin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials; Senior Research Scientist, Moscow State University for Information Technology, Radiotechnics, Electronics. E-mail: damir2000@mail.ru
The topic of the article presents the actual issues of ecological security and labour safety in radio-electronic industry; it regards the role and tasks of State Programs in the branch; changes in connection with the introduction of Federal law - On the Special Assessment of Labour Conditions?. Changes in the sphere of ecology, safety and labour security are analyzed (special attention is given to the State Program of the Branch Development up to 2025 and changes in connection with the adoption of the law on the application of certain provisions after the joining of Crimea and Russian Federation). The question of air pollution in work zone is regarded: the enterprises of radio-electronic industry use harmful and especially harmful substances; the problem is hardened by the emissions of large quantity of heavy metals in the technological processes. Social and economic situation in radio-electronic industry remains consistently tense, though modern legislative framework allows outlining effective scheme of labour safety organization at the mentioned enterprises. The solution of the problem in the branch becomes the practical field of application for the current legislation and leads to the search of the most productive management solutions. The unity of two systems (that of ecological management and labour and health security) inside the general system of quality man-agement (SQM) provides access to wide range of advantages. The practical introduction of integrated management system can proceed according to two schemes: additive model and simultaneous integration model. In conclusion, IMS creation must be based on the principles of international management standards.
Pages: 55-59


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