350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Nonlinear second harmonic transmission ellipsmetry for an anisotropic uniaxial crystal then optical axis lies in the plane of incidence
N.А. Matveeva - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, Department of Laser Physics, Federal State Autonomous Educational of Higher Professional Education «Volgograd State University». E-mail: nataly.matveeva@mail.ru V. V. Yatsishen - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Forensic Expertise and Physical Materials Science, Federal State Autonomous Educational of Higher Professional Education «Volgograd State University». E-mail: yatsishen@yandex.ru
A new method of ellipsometry was considered - «Nonlinear ellipsometry», allowing to determine nonlinear characteristic of a medium. Model, which is used in the work represents the boundary between two media: air - nonlinear anisotropic uniaxial crystal. The case when all the wave vectors lie in the xz plane the main coordinate system was considered. We derive the ellipsometric ratio in the case of second harmonic generation. Angular spectra of nonlinear second harmonic transmission ellipsometry for uniaxial crystals such as Beta-Barium Borate, Lithium Niobate, Proustite were calculated and plotted at different orientations of the optical axis. These dependences have decreasing character. It was shown that the dependence of the ellipsometric angle ψ of the transmitted wave from the incident an-gle θ for crystals under consideration have two pseudo-Brewster angle. Also the high sensitivity of method in the diagnosis of the crystal parameters was showed.
Pages: 14-21


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