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Journal Nonlinear World №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The nonlinear method of nanoelement accordance and the technological constructions for accordance circuits
D.I. Kuznetsov - Ph.D. (Eng.), KNITU named after A.N. Tupolev. E-mail: eps@eps.kstu-kai.ru A.V.Dedushkin - Master, KNITU named after A.N. Tupolev. E-mail: eps@eps.kstu-kai.ru
A non-linear method of coordination nanoelements and technological design matching circuits to realize it. Using non-standard solutions not only allowed to reduce the overall design parameters of the matching device, but also to improve its characteristics, namely: to reduce the attenuation of the transmission line and the operating signal input reflection coefficient. The basis of the design was laid multistage configuration, due to fragmentation is easily calculated to produce the desired mathematical relationship model. The problem of degradation of transmission path characteristics achieved by using the underlayer of a resistive material, which reduces the local electric field intensity. This technique allows for the coordination nanotubes (Z = 12,8 kOhm) with standard 50 Ohm RF path over a wide frequency range.
Pages: 28-31


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