350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Nonlinear angular oscillations and radiation оf electric dipole in the low-frequency electric field
O.I. Klimov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Radioengineering Institute named after A.L. Mints (Moscow)
Numerical simulation of the nonlinear angular oscillations of an electric dipole in a constant and alternating external electric field is carried out. The expression for the radiation intensity of an electric dipole, performing nonlinear angular oscillations, is obtained. In a constant external field angular oscillations are gradually damped by the exponential law. In an alternating external field angular os-cillations of the dipole strongly depend on the ratio of frequency of the electric field and the fundamental frequency of angular oscillations of the dipole. It is shown that for a large initial angle between the dipole axis and the vector of the external field, the harmonics and combination frequencies of the fundamental frequency are appearing. Developed methods of calculation can be used to study the influence of an electric field on a polar diatomic molecules, which are in a gaseous mixture and in the initial moment does not rotate.
Pages: 49-59


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