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Journal Nonlinear World №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The nature of the Barr effect and anomalous eccentricities of exoplanets
binary stars
Barr effect
radial velocities curves
ballistic theory
Ritz effect
speed of light
S.A. Semikov - Master of Physics, Assistant, Engineer, Department of General Physics, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky. E-mail: sergey-semikov@yandex.ru; semisea@mail
An anomaly of periastron longitude distribution of spectroscopic binary stars discovered more than a century ago has been studied according to which stars with the orbits extended in the direction of the Earth prevail, that is stars with periastron longitudes ω in the range 0° ≤ ω < 180° where concentration of periastrons is especially large with ω = 90°. This anomaly named after its discoverer the Barr effect (or B-effect) still does not have an unambiguous explanation. Hypotheses of Barr himself as well as Struve, Brazhnikova and others suggesting explanations of the Barr effect have been studied and their contradiction to observations has been shown. It has been demonstrated that among all the suggested hypotheses only Guthnik and Freundlich hypothesis based on ballistic theory explains all the peculiarities of the Bar effect. This hypothesis suggests that dependence of light velocity on the velocity of the emitting star results in distortion of visible stellar motions and of radial velocity curves. Distorted radial velocity curves comply with the orbits elongated in the direction of the Earth. Not only does Guthnik and Freundlich hypothesis qualitatively and quantitively explain all the peculiarities of the Barr effect, but it also complies with all the criteria for ascertainment of the nature of the effect suggested in this paper.
Apart from that, an additional effect (Ritz effect) predicted by ballistic theory has been studied which results in frequency shift and brightness variations and which differs from Doppler effect. It has been shown that the shifts of spectrum lines caused by Ritz effect will be interpreted as Doppler shifts which results in construction of false radial velocity curves. Ritz effect allows to explain a number of anomalies of «radial velocity curves» and «light curves» of binary stars.
Moreover, ballistic theory and Ritz effect following from it allows to explain a number of anomalies observed in exoplanet systems, in-cluding the Barr effect discovered for them, anomalously high eccentricities, retrograde motion of exoplanets, anomalously high and anomalously low orbital radiuses, a large number of planets in orbital resonance, anomalies of mass, density, etc. Thus, ballistic theory allows to easily and precisely explain the Barr effect and a number of other anomalies, statistical distributions and regularities, which have been discovered in recent years but have not been explained yet. A possible role of cosmic light dispersion in distortion of radial velocity curves has been studied which is essential for explanation of some additional anomalies of statistical distributions of exoplanets on periastron longitudes.
Criteria suggested in this paper allow to verify if the abovementioned anomalies of exoplanets and binary stars are caused by the va-riability of light velocity and the effects of ballistic theory and to determine the proper characteristics of exoplanets and binary stars.
Pages: 3-37
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