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Journal Nonlinear World №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Spectral-angular width of the diffracted X-rays with external influences
A.R. Mkrtchyan - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), academic, Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA (Yerevan, Armenia); Professor, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
E-mail: malpic@sci.am
A.S. Bagdasaryan - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, Kotel-nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Moscow); Radio Research and Development Institute (Moscow)
E-mail: bagdassarian@mail.ru
S.H. Khlopuzyan - Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA (Yerevan, Armenia)
V.R. Kocharyan - Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA (Yerevan, Armenia); Na-tional Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
E-mail: vahan2@yandex.ru
The process for coherent X-ray scattering on single quartz crystals in the presence of a temperature gradient or acoustic influence has been modeled for incident beam with spectral-angular distribution with I (λ,θ ) intensity. In the conditions of full pumping of X-rays the integral intensity of the reflected beam increases more than 20 times, if the incident beam has relative spectral-angular width greater than 10-4 an increase from 3 to 20 times can be observed when the relative spectral-angular width changes from 10-4 to 10-5, an increase of 2-3 times can be observed when the relative spectral-angular width is less than 10-5 (the case of flat-monochromatic radiation but an increas in 3 times can be reached due to transparecy effect). The spectral-angular width of the transmitting X-ray depends on the width of the researched monocrystall, and the maximal integral intensity of the reflected beam is reached when the width of the monocrystall is μt = 1.
Pages: 47-52
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