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Journal Nonlinear World №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The analysis of working area air by means of inversion polarography
D.I. Davletchin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Dr. Sc. Candidate, MIREA (Moscow); Senior Research Scientist, VIAM (Moscow)
In connection with the new norms of working conditions estimation (Federal Law № 426 «On the Special Estimation of Working Con-ditions» 28.12.2013) the quantitative analysis of working area air becomes topical. Particularly, it is important to detect the concentration of analyzed substance in the solution and to show its further recalculation in the given volume of air. We propose the polarograph PLS 2A for the monitoring of working area air. Many original works are based on the methods of organic compounds detection by means of voltammetry, for instance, hydrazine and its derivatives which are used for rocket fuel production and as fungicides or anti-oxidants. The modified polarography method is used for the detection of styrene micro-concentrations in the air; anode voltammetry characteristics are also measured for 11 polycyclic hydrocarbons. It became traditional to detect metals in the air of working zone by electro-chemical methods. For some metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu) the technical conditions for the methods of their detection are demonstrated. Examples of detection and calculation protocol on the PLS 2A are shown in the present paper. For the detection of mercury in the working area air the usage of glass carbon in the inversion variant of the method is elaborated and the detection limit of 10 mcg/m³ is reached. The inversion voltammetry method is used for the detection of chlorides, bromides, lead. PLS 2A is universally equipped by all possible electrodes for the detection of such metals as Zn, Сu, Сr, Ni, Pb, Мn. For the analysis it is possible to use the glass carbon or the dripping electrode which gives better representativeness of results. The usage of voltammetry method in industrial laboratory is justified because it is highly sensitive, selective, and resistant to the in-terfering factors and the range of detected ions concentration is very wide. Besides, the application of the given method allows economizing the labour resources, reagents, working time; it gives the possibility to detect up to 4 (or even more) ions in the tested sample simultaneously. Basing on our experience we can affirm the actuality of voltammetry control of the concentration, close to the maximum-permissible range for the urgent detection and prevention of toxic elements in the working zone air.
Pages: 21-24


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