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Journal Nonlinear World №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The accounting of nature of indignations of the atmosphere over the sea surface when determining the trajectory of low­level flight of the anti­ship missile
А.А. Piskovatsky - Ph. D. (Eng.), Lecturer, Russian Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail: e4rt@mail.ru
R.E. Pervezenzev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Сhief of Educational Department, Russian Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail: pre67@mail.ru
Break of system of air defense of the opponent by anti-ship missiles is the most difficult stage of flight. The successful solution of a problem of break of an air defense system of ship shock groups anti-ship missiles (ASM) demands performance of a number of the conditions one of which are: decrease in height of flight of ASM over a sea surface; use of antiantiaircraft maneuvering; expansion of range of fighting application on a ballnost of excitement of the sea. Decrease in height of flight, and also expansion of range of fighting application leads to decrease in a visibility of ASM, and as a result to decrease in probability of its defeat by means of fire counteraction of ship groups. However the area of flight of existing ASM is limited to 6 points on indignation of a surface of the water and on flight height to 5 meters over level of the highest waves. Restriction is connected with that at considerable indignations of the sea over a sea surface there are indignations of a near-surface layer the atmospheres caused by aerodynamic effect from waves. Flight in the field of the described indignations of an interface is subject to unstable fluctuations angular and progress of existing ASM, and usually comes to an end with rocket landing on water. In article the analysis of models of indignation of the atmosphere over an uneasy sea surface of 5−9 points is carried out and is defined that the most characteristic component of an air stream over a surface of waves which needs to be considered at a choice of trajectories of ASM is its vortex formation over a hollow of each wave. For the accounting of this component of indignation of an air stream its analytical description is defined. On the received model of movement of an air stream in a surface layer of the atmosphere, the most acceptable are defined sinusoidal trajectories of flight of ASM over a sea surface of 5−9 points. As the summary, it is noted that on sinusoidal trajectories we realize flight only for the small range of parameters, and more we realize for ASM flight at an angle to the general direction of waves as the frequency of movement on a trajectory thus decreases. Problem of pilot studies besides specification of coordinates of the centers of vortex formations and determination of regularities of distribution of streams round the center for different conditions of sea excitement is definition for a number of ASM in which interests the research, acceptable parameters of offered trajectories depending on their inertness and flight speed was conducted. The preliminary analysis specifies that use of offered sinusoidal trajectories of flight of ASM won't lead to significant increase in range and flight time to the purpose, the increase in these parameters because of small amplitudes of these trajectories won't exceed 5−7%.
Pages: 25-31

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