350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Research and evaluation of properties and characteristics of periodic autocorrelation functions two fold multiplied nonlinear recurrent sequences
I.I. Snytkin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Academic, Branch of MAC (Krasnodar). E-mail: timursnytkin@gmail.com
T.I. Snytkin - FSI «27 CSRI» (Moscow). E-mail: djammell@mail.ru
The results of research of characteristics and properties of various types of two fold multiplied nonlinear recurrent sequences (MNLRS). These characteristics include: the maximum side discharge, mathematical expectation side discharge, side discharge variance and standard deviation of normalized level of side discharge. A result of research conclusions about what types listed two fold MNLRS are more preferred and optimal.
Pages: 28-34

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