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Journal Nonlinear World №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Structural and dynamical model of photon and monochromatic radiation
M. B. Saikhanov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute H.I. Ibragimov Russian Academy of Sciences (KNII), Grozny
Proceeding from the structural and dynamic organization of a matter at fine (submicroscopic) level, possibility of an explanation of corpuscular wave dualism and Planck's constant is shown. The substantial sense of the last consists that she personifies unity of aspects of movement and a matter structure. Rather simply it is shown on the example of toroidal model of the rotating as a wheel photon which kinetic energy consists of kinetic energies of its forward and rotary movements. This model allows Planck's constant to give interpretation as the rotary moment of a photon-ring remaining at its movement. However such mechanical model leaves open a question of the physical reason of formation and steady existence of a photon which can be solved only on the basis of the model considering as well structural aspect of its description. Non-equilibrium (irreversible) nature of formation of a photon leads to thought that it represents dissipative structure in the form of a toroidal whirlwind. Its formation and stability in this case find the exhaustive explanation on the basis of kinetic modeling of dissipative structures. In particular, the stationary (steady) state of a photon-whirlwind is reached at balance existence between a stream of entropy and production of entropy in the local scale of the fine environment (physical vacuum). As its formation is carried out in volume of the fine environment (instead of on an interface of phases), it is a question of the ring whirlwind which axis is focused along the movement direction. Besides, the three-connected topology of a surface the torus corresponding to this whirlwind, allows also possibility of a rotary motion on its forming circle. At addition of this rotary motion with a rotary motion round a whirlwind axis it forms the screw spiral closed on. Possibility of modeling of electromagnetic radiation as non-equilibrium system is considered also. It is shown that for monochromatic radiation from the point of view of the minimum dissipation of energy of photons at their movement in the environment their coaxial arrangement and association in a continuous cylindrical double spiral is optimum. Thus feature of this double spiral is that it can carry out the mechanism of cross fluctuations of wave process due to elastic properties in the direction normal to the direction of distribution of monochromatic radiation. The offered model will be coordinated with a phenomenon of "light twisting" according to which movement of a ray of light is carried out on a spiral in the direction of its distribution, including, with results of recent researches in this direction.
Pages: 48-54

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