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Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Principle of antenna multi-based phase direction-finder systems construction for detection of spatial angular coordinates
multi-based phase direction-finder
antenna systems
antenna element
non equidistant grads of emitters
antenna based
evaluation of directional cosines
the method of least squares
unambiguous evaluation
abnormal mistakes probability
optimum antenna element topology synthesis
dispersion evaluation directional cosines
V.N. Bakhirev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Head of Department, Research Institute «Vector» (Saint Petersburg). E-mail: Bahirev_vektor@mail.ru
Principle of antenna multi-based phase direction-finder systems (AS) construction is offered which is detecting direction in space in the form of evaluation of directional cosines (DC). It is different form wide-spread traditional principle which is based on forming of two perpendicular linear non-equidistant grids of emitters. The special topology of placement of each antenna element (AE) is used which provides simultaneous use of each AE for getting metric information for both DCs and allows to form n equal bases which have maximal size in terms of placement. In the result it is possible to provide increase of measurement accuracy of DC in times or decrease size of biggest base e.g. grid aperture size in the same amount of times with saving traditional AS construction principle accuracy. Simultaneously offered AE placement solves task of getting unambiguous evaluation of coordinates which is actual in multi-based direction-finder systems.
Algorithm of evaluation of DC is offered. The task solution of optimum AE topology synthesis is discussed which allows solving task of achieving given DC evaluations accuracy and durability (minimization of abnormal mistakes probability). Characteristics of AS with traditional topology and offered topology of AE placement are compared basing on concrete examples.
Pages: 32-35
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