350 rub

Journal Nonlinear World №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Study of effect of electron-electron interaction on temperature dependence of conductance in wire of two quantum channels with impurity
K.E. Nagaev - Dr.Sc. (Phis.-Math.), Professor, Head of the laboratory, Kotel-nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences
A.V. Borin - Student MPTI, Engeneer, Kotel-nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences
A.V. Borin - Student MPTI, Engeneer, Kotel-nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences
In this paper renormalization group method is applied to quantum wire with impurity. Differential equation for scattering matrix is obtained. This equation determines temperature-dependence of scattering matrix. System of wire with two quantum channels is studied with this method for different values of interaction parameters. It is shown that non-monotonic temperature-dependence of conductance for this system is possible.
Pages: 64-66
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