350 rub

Journal Nonlinear World №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Numerical modeling of propagation of short waves with account for Earth's magnetic field and models of the global electron density distribution
radio wave propagation
numerical simulation
method of bi-characteristics
the Earth-s magnetic field
assimilative model of the ionosphere
World Magnetic Model
Ya.M. Cherniak - Student, MPTI. E-mail: JackCh@mail.ru
Described in this paper is an implementation of a numerical algorithm for calculation of ray and caustic structure, group delay and tension of field for short waves, which is based on the models of global electron density distribution in ionosphere and model of magnetic field and on the bi-characteristic system of ordinary differential equations by D.S.Lukin. The paper compares the numerical results with experimental data of remote sensing.
Pages: 36-37
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