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Journal Nonlinear World №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The information protection of the distributed random antennas using nonlinear converters
distributed random antennas
confidential information security
additive and multiplicative noise
nonlinear elements
intermodulation conversions
P.S. Zasedateleva - Post-graduate Student, Department of Economic and Information Systems, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PSUTI), Samara E-mail: zasedateleva_ps@mail.ru
О.N. Maslov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Economic and Information Systems, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PSUTI), Samara. E-mail: maslov@psati.ru
А.V. Ryabushkin - Engineer, Department of Economic and Information Systems, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PSUTI), Samara. E-mail: ryabushkin@psati.ru
The possibility of the combined application of additive and multiplicative noise for information security of the distributed random antennas (DRA) is analyzed in this article. Active protection system (APS) of DRA is designed for eliminate channel of leakage confidential information (CI) for commercial purpose in the environment. DRA components are converters and reradiator of CI-signals distributed in space (cables, wires, pipes, conductive structure of modern high-rise building). An important feature is the presence in the DRA nonlinear elements (NE), realizing the transformation CI-signal and noise circulating in the DRA.
This article contains information about the nonlinear and quasi-linear implementations of low-energy system of confidential information security in the DRA. DRA layout is a piece of ear thing system of communication equipment, which consists of base, return, shielding and protective earth. The results of DRA studies inside which the test CI-signal circulates with a frequency of 400 MHz and a signal parametric «pumping» NE circulates at 30 MHz and 35 MHz, with influence of the external signal with a frequency of 890 MHz. Three embodiments of NE are considered: as a single diode, normal bridge and conventional annular diode bridge. Bridge circuits give rise IM-components of CI-signal and interference to 2...10 dB compared to a single diode. The ability of CI protection in the PCA the using the additive and multiplicative noise produced by the investigated IM conversion is substantiated in the article. The efficiency and environmental safety of suggested methods of the confidential information protection of the DRA is assessed.
Pages: 31-41
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