350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Key aspects of researches of radio-frequency tags on the basis of SAW: universal algorithm of calculation of characteristics of tags with any information capacity
А.S. Bagdasaryan - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Research Scientist, Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics after V.A. Kotelnikov of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). Е-mail: bagdassarian@mail.ru B.V. Sveshnikov - Ph.D. (Pyth.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, TD TRFID LTD (Moscow)
The short analysis of a current state of systems of RFID on the basis of SAW technology is given. An efficiency of the global discrete model of distributed systems is demonstrated during a rigorous analysis of the spectral properties of RFID tags based on reflective delay lines (RDL) of surface acoustic wave (SAW). As input data, the model involves the pre-defined (either numerically or experimentally) quantities of key phenomenological parameters of a system and allows us to analyze the frequency and impulse responses of SAW tag with arbitrary length of code. Simple matrix procedure makes it easy to determine the spatial distribution of the SAW amplitudes along the acoustic channel. An adequacy of the simulations is confirmed by the integral energy conservation law which holds for any structure of SAW tag.
Pages: 3-9


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