350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The estimation of guaranteed data rate in broadband wireless access networks with registration of intrasystem interference
E.A. Petrova - Engineer, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev. E-mail: e.a.goryacheva@gmail.com
This paper shows the method of estimating the data rate in fixed broadband wireless access networks based on the developed original description model of signal-jamming environment. The definition of the model parameters and the calculation of the data rate were shown on a fragment of the network deployed in the city of Kazan. There was proposed the method of calculating of the data rate between the base station and the subscriber set based on a channel data rate, assuming a linear dependence between the indicated rate and the assessment of multipath propagation influence on the basis of SNR Gap. The existing methods for estimating the channel data rate using a modulation schemes and MCS coding scheme based on the Shannon's formula for a channel with additive white Gaussian noise were considered. The results are compared with the actual values of information rate, which showed a significant excess of the obtained estimates and the need to consider routing traffic. For the method of calculating the channel data rate based on Shannon's formula was proposed the method of joint estimation of the coefficient that counts the share of data rate and assessing of multipath propagation influence on the basis of SNR Gap using the method of the least squares. The proposed method of estimating a guaranteed data rate in broadband wireless access networks based on intrasystem interference gives the real situation picture as close as possible.
Pages: 13-17

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