350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Method of justification of conflict stability functioning of small enterprises
L.E. Mistrov, O.V. Ukhin
In modern conditions the main cause of the unsatisfactory development of small-scale enterprises (SSES) is, on the one hand, the low level of conflict resistance (KU) to increasing the competitive business environment and, on the other hand, the absence of effective management decisions to prevent crises of their operation and development. KU MP development is achieved through the implementation of internal and external functions to optimize limited resources to provide the specified level of return (profitability) and neutralizing active and informative action of competitors through a defensive and offensive strategies. It is predetermined to justify KU management strategies of maximiana, which lets you create a constructive mathematical models to solve the optimization problem of competing information counter. The KU study the functioning and development of the IP is based on two methodological approaches: a) traditional - search of the optimal solution is based on integral performance indicator CG & b) «soft» methods of information technologies - search for the optimum solution based on the aggregation of private indicators of effectiveness, providing formation of permissible solutions and preferred search for Pareto solutions in view of the preference system manuals MP.
Pages: 518-528

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